Senior Design Engineer, Xue Le was one of 43 technical papers accepted by the 14th Young Geotechnical Professionals Conference (14YGPC)

Xue was one of several submissions from Keller and her paper was accepted for presentation in the program at the 14th Young Geotechnical Professionals Conference (14YGPC) held in Rotorua, New Zealand. From 43 technical papers, Xue's was selected as the best Australian Technical Paper but this was a real shock to Xue. "I actually stepped out of the room to get a drink at the time of the award annoucement - it was only later I learned the quick-thinking hosts presented the New Zealand award recipient first." said Xue. "I never imagined being the recipient for this award as there we were advised there were many high-quality submissions, it was a real shock and absolute honour to receive" added Xue.
Congratulations Xue. We are truly proud of you and congratulate you for your efforts!
Strength and Microstructural Developments in Magnesia-GGBS Stabilised Biochar-Sequestered Acid Sulphate Soil
This study assessed the effectiveness of magnesia (MgO) and ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) in improving the strength of acid sulphate soil (ASS) and the feasibility of sequestering biochar carbon in stabilised ASS. To fulfil the objective of this study, ASS was treated with reactive MgO at 5 to 15%, GGBS at 10 to 20% and biochar at 10%. A range of testings, including pH, uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) test, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, was carried out to investigate strength and microstructural development of the treated ASS over a 180-day curing period. The results of this study showed that MgO-activated GGBS could effectively improve the strength of ASS with an optimum MgO to GGBS ratio of 1:4. Inclusion of biochar can lead to a slight reduction of approximately 10% in strength development of the MgO-GGBS treated ASS. The reduction is due to the porous structure of biochar.